> Content csg562 > Content bnf2204 > Content bnf7977 > Content bsbClm23618 > Content bsbClm536

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Content of 7208 Clm 536 (1143 - 1147) which has been linked with edition texts

Honorius Augustodunensis 6: De imagine mundi, EPISTOLA CHRISTIANI AD HONORIUM SOLITARIUM DE IMAGINE MUNDI.   614EPISTOLA HONORII AD CHRISTIANUM, DE EODEM.   722LIBER PRIMUS.   508LIBER SECUNDUS. Priori libello globum totius mundi oculis   79: LIBER TERTIUS.  
115: De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, LIBELLUS I EX HIERONYMO SUBLECTUS.  
Hetto Basileensis 184:  De visione et obitu Wetini
Othlonus S Emmerammi Ratisponensis 207: Proverbia, PROLOGUS OTHLONI.   21017LIBELLUS PROVERBIORUM.  

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