> Content bnf6085 > Content csg196

St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Content of Cod. Sang. 196 (834 - 866) which has been linked with edition texts

Venantius Fortunatus 2: Carmina, Prologus   512CAPITVLA   113LIBER PRIMVS   3420LIBER SECVNDVS   60: LIBER TERTIVS   1019LIBER QVARTVS   1276LIBER QVINTVS   156: LIBER SEXTVS   1957LIBER SEPTIMVS   2286LIBER OCTAVVS  
24819Miscellanea, VIII   2757IX   29813X   3496XI  
Coelius Symphosius 3744 Aenigmata

All Codices St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek

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