> Iunius Philagrius > Iunius Philagrius > Content bnf8539 > Content bnf7227 > Content bnf17226 > Content csg579

St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Content of Cod. Sang. 579 (800 - 900) which has been linked with edition texts

Athanasius Alexandrinus Evagrius Antiochensis 19:  Vita B. Antonii abbatis, Evagrii ad Innocentium prologus.   21: ATHANASII EPISCOPI ALEXANDRINI PRAEFATIO.   237VITA.  
Hieronymus 132: Vita S. Hilarionis, PROLOGUS.   13317VITA.  
184: Vita Malchi monachi captivi
Incertus 294: Sermo de decem virginibus, Versio Prima   3006Versio Secunda.  
Faustus Rhegiensis 3113 Sermones, SERMO VII. Ad monachos.  

All Codices St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek

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