> Petrus de Vinea > Petrus de Vinea > Wido episcopus Ferrariensis > Content bsbClm6275 > Content bpt100 > Content > Content bnf6113 > Content bnf1622

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Content of Latin 1622 (801 - 900) which has been linked with edition texts

Tertullianus 17=1r: Ad nationes, I   54=19v12II  
87=36r: De praescriptionibus adversus haereticos
120=52v4Scorpiace adversus Gnosticos
156=70v12De testimonio animae
167=76r17De corona militis
193=89r8De spectaculis
226=105v: De idololatria
252=118v22De anima
344=164v: De oratione
355=170r19De cultu feminarum
372=178v22Ad uxorem, LIBER PRIMUS.   381=183r20LIBER SECUNDUS.  
390=187v16De exhortatione castitatis
406=195v15De carne Christi

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