> Hieronymus Incertus > Hieronymus Incertus > Hugo de S Victore > Content cb52 > Content bkeCod.1008 > Content > Content > Content bnf5731

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Content of Latin 5731 (1076 - 1100) which has been linked with edition texts

Livius 13=1r:  ab Urbe Condita, XXI   44=16vb32XXII   78=33va15XXIII   101=45r: XXIV   123=56rb17XXV   147=68ra17XXVI   173=81rb1XXVII   205=97rb30XXVIII   225=107rb8XXIX   226=107vb16XXVIII   235=112rb33XXIX   255=122ra33XXX  

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