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Bibliothèque nationale de France, Content of Latin 10185 (1175 - 1200) which has been linked with edition texts

Henricus Huntingdonensis 3c6Historia Anglorum, PROLOGUS. AD ALEXANDRUM LINCOLNIENSEM EPISCOPUM.   4d22LIBER PRIMUS.   18b24LIBER SECUNDUS.   29a15LIBER TERTIUS.   41d32LIBER QUARTUS.   52d29Haec est abbreviatio regum Merce in hoc libro   53d1LIBER QUINTUS.   63b29De regno vero Westsexe haec elucidatio adhibeatur:   64a7LIBER SEXTUS.   84b6LIBER SEPTIMUS.   96c4LIBER OCTAVUS.  
Willelmus Conquestor 142c16Leges, IV. Incipiunt leges sancti Edwardi regis quas in  

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