> Papias > Papias > Content bnf14167 > Content bnf6880 > Content medPlut.68.062

Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Content of 686 Plut.68.06 2 (1000 - 1100) which has been linked with edition texts

Caesar 7=2r:  de Bello Gallico, I   26=11v17II   38=17v11III   48=22v31IV   62=29v24V   84=40v23VI   101=49r10VII   136=66v3VIII  
157=77r:  de Bello Civili, I   192=94v8II   213=105r: III  
264=130v3 de Bello Alexandrino
293=145r:  de Bello Africo
317=157r6 de Bello Hispaniensi

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